We provide MVNO services

As an MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) we are an operator who has its own Mobile Radio access Network or infrastructure.

We sign with a Mobile Network Operator (MNO) a wholesale contract to purchase airtime (minutes) for voice calls or/and a bandwidth for data, enabling the MVNO to offer services of mobile telecommunications and Internet to its subscribers.

Although we do not own the Radio access Network, we are considered as mobile operators who master the conception and the launching of commercial offers and remain fully responsible of the provided services to their subscribers.

MNOs have a valid rationale behind hosting MVNOs,
below are the main motivations of MNOs to do so:

1. MNOs are not often represented in all the market segments. MVNOs represent a means of implementing a customized offer targeting a specific segment with underserved populations.

2. In order to reach reasonable economic returns on their high CAPEX levels, MNOs need capacity, product, and new market segments. An MVNO strategy favors economies of scale allowing an enhanced capacity utilization of the existing network

3. MVNOs can help MNOs to conquer niche markets with specific needs that the MNO cannot reach for cost benefits considerations.

We are working hard towards providing you with cutting-edge mobile services.

Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%